Watching dad porn gay

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I was still a teenager in the 1980s and more interested in innocent romance. My parents used to laugh and joke with her about sex but I found it all a bit vulgar. Either she had got really wet or had pulled them up after her latest boyfriend had given her a creampie. I would often find her dirty panties in the laundry basket with the gusset totally messy. My sister was a few years older and started fucking around quite early. I got horny and started wanking regularly but I never wanted to be as open about sex as my family seemed to be. He started bringing me porn magazine's from his work, which was in a factory full of crude and bored men. Because I studied in my room, my father used to worry that I was gay, which was stupid on so many levels. I would often hear my mom and dad fucking in their bedroom at night and my mom used to come a lot, very loudly. I always knew my family was a bit filthy but as the youngest child I largely ignored it. But I would like to tell you the full and frank story. Many stories here begin with a warning that it's all fiction and none of it is true. Now that I am older, I realise that I grew up in a very remarkable family.

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