Gay porn stars black

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Each one of them relate a daunting version of the porn industry, marked by episodes of racism and by forms of structural discriminations, with regards to payment rates, and career opportunities. The documentary breaks the silence through the stories of DeAngelo Jackson himself and of other Black talents of the gay adult fil industry: Max Connor, Dillon Diaz, Rock Rockafella, Micah Martinez, August Alexanderxxx, and Ray Diesel. But in order to see other things change, we must start there first.” They feel that they will be blacklisted or worst.

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While producing this project, I learned that many people are afraid to speak up. “ I honestly would start by creating a safe space for BIPOC to speak freely about their concerns within the industry and adding insight on the changes they want to see brought life”, replies DeAngelo Jackson to Il grande Colibrì, when asked what would be the first he would change in the gay adult entertainment industry. DeAngelo Jackson is an actor and the first black man to win a GayVN Award for best actor, as well as an activist and the director and producer of the documentary ‘Being Black In Porn’, coming this autumn.

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